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  • 655 Bay St. Suite 7 Toronto ON M5G 2K4 CA

Full and Partial Dentures in Toronto

At Bay Elm Dental, located at Bay and Elm in downtown Toronto, we provide removable dental appliances such as dentures to replace your missing teeth.

Dentures in Toronto

Dentures are removable dental appliances that are used to replace any missing teeth. They are crafted from both porcelain and acrylic resin and are designed to look like your natural teeth.

Full Dentures in Toronto

Full dentures are likely required when all teeth in the arch are lost.

Partial Dentures in Toronto

Partial dentures anchor onto existing teeth and fill the spaces where teeth have been lost.

Both types of dentures restore your mouth, enabling you to speak clearly and chew your food effectively and should improve your overall appearance. 

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